Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sophie Giraffe

Now that Baby B is starting to reach for things and chew on them, and with all the news about toys that have harmful BPA, Phthalates, etc, I would like Baby B to chew on some safe toys. Now, I am not going to switch out our whole toy repertoire (because we have A LOT of toys that I was hoping to be used for BOTH kids), but for the ones that she chews on, I want them to be safe. I am also going to be switching out our whole stash of sippie cups.

Here is a picture of Baby B chewing on Sophie Giraffe (Thanks AW!). She is made of 100% natural rubber and food paint, I can be assured that Baby B will not be ingesting bad stuff. Baby C was not really that much of a chewer/sucker, etc, so at least I don't feel like a total bad mommy!

My biggest worry right now is to keep it away from the dog. Every time he hears Sophie squeak, he goes nuts and is constantly stalking it! One bite from Max and Sophie is toast. That would be a very pricey dog chew toy! YIKES!

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