Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hello Again!

It's been a while...but here is a picture of Baby Em @ 3.5 months old.  I don't know how many pounds she weighs, but its obvious she is pretty well fed!  LOL

Life's been good, busy with the three monkeys but good.  Currrently, we are gearing up for Baby Em's upcoming red egg and ginger party, Baby C's preschool graduation and play, then Baby C's FIFTH birthday party, crazy summer schedules, and prepping for kindergarten in the fall...yikes!

Until my next free moments...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Litttle Swimmer!

I am so proud of my little swimmer!  She earned yet another ribbon today.  This one for swimming breaststroke 10 yards.  Yipee!  We hope to finish off her Advanced Preschool pages before the end of the session.  Then we will be taking a break from once a week swim lessons and trying out a couple of 4x/week, 2 week sessions in the summertime at another facility.  I am hoping the more intense lessons will help bher kick it up a notch!


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Welcome Baby Em!

Oh goodness...my friend IT just made me realize that i have not updated my blog in a loooong time...so i am doing a quick entry to alleviate my mama guilt...and to welcome our latest addition...Baby Em!  Born Feb 16 @ 4:35am, 7 lbs, 3oz.  I'll try to upload the birth announcement later if i fire up my laptop (which is rare these days due to iPad obsession)

Here is a quick mobile picture of Baby Em today @ 9 weeks old.  She is already growing up too fast.  She is very accomodating of her wacky sister and sleeps decently...although mama can always use a few more consecutive hours...!

Juggling three has been a challenge to say the least...esp with Baby C's activity schedule...but thank goodness i get some reprive when the big girls are at school MWF.  I am grateful to be able to stay home with them although sometimes my sanity pays the price.  Daddy J has been very supportive and is an excellent father to the girls.  I am one lucky chick!

Anyhoo signing off for now, hopefully not for another 6 months! ;-)

Sent from my HTC smartphone on the Now Network from Sprint!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Been MIA

Sorry been so MIA...i think i need to seriously quit FB in order to get back to blogging.  Oh wells.  With the pending arriving of #3...i doubt if i will have much time for anything except quick posts to FB and the blog.

Quick update - Baby C is almost four and a half...and Baby B is two.  We recently started Baby B at the same preschool as C...same days but only half day.  I figured with her clingyness, i had better transition her so she can spend some time away from me before the baby arrives.  Besides...mama needs some time to tame the chaos which i call my home...i need to nest big time.

The hours in which both girls are in school are very short, so i am not getting much "relaxing" in during the last few months of my pregnancy, but instead i find myself rushing around like a mad woman trying to make the most of the precious kid-free hours.

Anyhoo...thats all i can think of right now...not much going on, just chugging along...tick tock...countdown to baby arriving begins!