I can't believe my little Baby B is 9 months old! We had our 9 month well check today and the numbers are in:
Weight: 18 lbs 12 oz (46%)
Height: 28 inches (62%)
Head Circumference: 17.76 inches (79%)
Compared to the last visit at 6 months (70's% all the way around), her weight and height has tapered off a bit, but her head continues to grow! LOL!
Here's a brief update on Baby B's happenings...she is sitting up pretty sturdy now and started to lunge in different directions to grab things and only toppling over and boinking her head maybe 5% of the time now. She is not crawling yet, but we think it will happen very soon (we are in NO hurry!) When she does get mobile, let the toy tantrums begin! (between Baby B & C)
Baby B is babbling a lot, which is the cutest thing ever! I love non-words...well, except when she is upset/frustrated and I can't figure out what she wants, then everyone is frustrated!
She is STILL not sleeping through the night consistently. We have good days and bad ones. Months 5-8 were rough, pretty much sleeping/waking every 3-4 hours. Now, she sleeps through maybe 50% of the time, and it's totally random, doesn't matter if she took her naps or not, etc. Naps are a struggle too, she only takes two...one 30-ish minute one in the AM, and then if we are lucky, 1 hour in the afternoon. Looks like we have ANOTHER cat napper/light sleeper/will sleep in the car only when moving on the freeway/nursing to sleep baby. I have not had a good night's sleep in a long while! Oh wells. I just have to keep in mind that...this too shall pass.....!!!
Baby B has always and continues to be quite clingy to me, I am sure it is just a developmental stage, but it is quite taxing on my body! Daddy J tries to help out, but if she is cranky, once she sees me or hears my voice, it's OVER. Oh wells, this too shall pass! =)
She is a great eater, she is eating table foods now. Some of her favorites are chicken (just like big sis), green beans, sweet potato fries (roasted), baby carrots (steamed), rice, sea bass (baked) and yogurt. She is pretty open to whatever we give her, and she basically eats whatever we eat unless it is spicy. We also try to let her self-feed as much as possible, except for things like yogurt. =)
Baby C continues to be a great big sister to Baby B. It's also great to have a silly toddler around to entertain the little one!
Someone told me about "This too shall pass", and it seems like there is always something that needs passing...
ReplyDeleteI had a nurse to sleep baby too...hopefully it won't happen again.