Monday, February 22, 2010

Baby B @ 15 Months

I just realized it's been a while since I've blogged about the kids and their developmental progress.  First up - Baby B.

Baby B is growing up way too fast! She crawled at 10 months and walked by 12 months. Currently at 15 months, she is walking pretty well. She is making more "noise" now and trying to communicate verbally, although she uses baby sign language as her main form of communicate, which is pretty cool. Some of the signs she uses are: milk, eat, water, more, open, please, thank you, wash hands, hello/bye bye, blow kiss, all done, duck, monkey, bear, dog, and bunny. She also says the words: nai-nai (Chinese for milk), mama, dada, and this/that, phone, and hello (when holding said phone). Baby B is definitely using a combination of verbal and body language to make her wants and needs known. Her comprehension of things far surpasses her signing/verbal vocabulary. She just amazes me everyday with her ability to understand the world around her.

She wants more water in her can...

My pediatrician says that the "terrible twos" is the second year of life, which is right NOW...and I totally agree. There is so much that goes on after kids go mobile...a lot of frustration with verbal skill development, gross and fine motor skill development, etc. Though a tough stage of development, it is one of the most exciting ones, and I am enjoying/savoring every moment because it really does pass by so quickly.
Baby B going for it...
Eating habits:  Baby B's been on solids @ 6-7 months.  As with Baby C, we did not do purees, but just fed her table foods.  We started her on whole milk @ 12 months and she is down to nursing 2x/day now.  She is generally a good eater and will usually try a variety of things.  She, of course wants everything her sister is eating...and as a result, I have had to start her on foods/drinks I would have liked to have delayed, such as juice (undiluted), and other sweets, etc.

Let's play ball!

Sleep patterns: She slept good until about 4 months, then month 4 - 11.5 were BRUTAL, basically waking every 3-4 hours around the clock. I won't go into details, but as you can imagine, I was a zombie. When she FINALLY slept though the night, I felt like a new woman. Of course there are never enough hours in a day, but I feel a bit more normal because I have a few hours to myself before my bedtime now.

Naps continue to be a struggle, she will only sleep in the car. I used to have another option, which was the baby carrier (Ergo, Bjorn, etc), but since becoming mobile, I struggle with getting her to stay in a carrier now. So needless to say, I've put a ton of miles on my car (my second home), and spent a lot of money on gas, but naps are priceless, right?! Well, more like survival I guess. It's not a habit I am proud of, but I just keep in mind that this phase will pass! =P

How could you be mad at a face like this?

I will try to do updates on the kids more often...but you know, life happens!

Runaway B!


  1. It's going by so fast. I remember when I first started stalking you, Baby B was a wee lass. I have to start doing the girls' updates too. But alas, I am a true teacher at heart, and everytime I start I feel like I'm doing my assessments for my students at work. =p The updates can go on for pages on their development.

  2. LOL This post was originally titled "Baby B @ 14 months" It took me THAT long to write it. I am sure these updates will be infrequent, but I will try to keep on top of it!

  3. What are you talking about Yvonne? You are totally on top of it. I was supposed to write Baby Chloe a letter BEFORE she was born to put into the time capsule we are putting together for her to open at her Sweet 16. Today she just turned 3 months old. That's how long I procrastinated. But to redeem some credit for myself. She took me by surprise by coming 10 days early. I had planned on writing the letter during my maternity leave before she is born. But I only had one day off before she came knocking. So it wasn't entirely my fault. :P

  4. LOL Googi. Yes, totally Chloe's fault! Haha! Still plenty of time to reflect and write a letter now! It took me a year after C was born to start her cillege fynd. And as for B...15 months and counting!
