Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hi-Lights Lo-Lights

I just started highlighting my hair again after a post-kid hiatus due to maintenance laziness.  This time I wanted to go lighter because summer was coming up.

My new hairdresser sure went blond! The color itself I liked, and we were doing chunkier highlights to give it more impact/less maintenance, but there was this huge chunk at the side of my face that made it really obvious.

So...she had to do a do-over to tone down a few strips and all was good!

This was the first time I brought Baby C to the salon with me and it was a longer appointment but  she did really good. She waited patiently AND complimented my hair color, even when it looked like I was going on the Blond Ambition Tour.  Mama so proud! =)

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

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