Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Shopping Cart

Baby C just LOVES her baby sister. The look on Baby B's face is priceless! This picture will surely make it into some kind of sentimental slide show in the future. =)

Something tells me this picture is a preview of the fun to come!

Here is another one - (my current fav) Baby B looks a bit more agreeable in this one. LOL!

P.S. I heart double wide shopping carts!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Day On The Glen

On Sunday, we went to Dublin's annual "Day on the Glen" event. It's a great community event that's fun for the whole family. The weather was on the warm side, but it was a great way to end the summer. Here are some pics to share:

Baby B chilling in the Joovy. She was a very good stroller passenger, which made for a great day since it was probably too warm to carrier her in the Ergo.

Baby C at the petting zoo. The first thing she did was grab some hay and then proceeded to TRY to feed every animal, unfortunately, none of them wanted to eat! I felt bad because she genuinely wanted to feed them!

Daddy J and Baby B waiting for us outside the petting zoo watching the goat.

Baby C on a pony ride.

We grabbed some yummy food - gyros, sweet potato fries, and strawberry lemonade.

We scored some shade, ate lunch and watched the Frisbee dog show. The was a variety of dogs including some pit bulls, and even a little dachshund! Super cute! After the show, they invited all the kids to come out and pet the dogs. The dogs were very patient in the heat and all the kiddie hands!

Our Date-aversary

Yesterday was our "date-aversary", 18 years ago, Daddy J and I started dating! Crazy right? I know its kinda weird to celebrate a dating anniversary, but we have been together for more than half our lives and frankly, its kinda cool IMHO. =) Plus its always important to celebrate little milestones like this.

We spent the day at Dublin's annual "Day on the Glen" event with the kiddies (separate blog entry coming) and went out for sushi that evening (with the kids of course). We forgot to take a picture of us, but did manage to take a picture of our sushi eats....I know, funked up priorities! LOL!

Happy Dat-aversary babe. I love you!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Baby C on Hot Air Ballon Ride @ Gilroy Gardens

Guess Baby C takes after Mommy and loves her rides!

Video was taken with Daddy J's Nikon SLR camera, and is in HD...notice the diff (or def!? hah!)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Baby B Giggles @ Target

Some cute giggles I caught while shopping at Target.

More Baby B Milestones

Oh my, I have been so behind on my blog! To be honest, Facebook has been eating up my time and I find it easier to do quickie updates there, but I really need to LOG my stuff here so I have a record of it...anyhoo...

Baby B is growing up so fast!

She is scooting backwards.

She is also standing while holding onto things...not cruising or crawling yet, but SO on the verge! Believe me, I am in NO hurry!

Sometimes it feels like Baby B eats more than Baby C...
B eats fast, C eats slow, and it always makes for an "interesting"" mealtime.

Baby B eats table food and is not too picky about food.

We also just switched her to a "real" carseat from her infant carrier. Her legs were kinda hanging off the end, and she is almost 19 pounds, so it was time because I it was getting super awkward to carry her in that already awkward contraption. One thing I will miss is using the "snap n go" with the infant carrier. I will not need to either carry her or plop her into a regular stroller. Fun fun fun! =)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Baby C's Three Year Well Check Appointment

OK, so I am a bad mommy and forgot to make her appointment until the day of her birthday ( in July), so her appointment ended up in September! My little girl is growing up so fast! Here are her current stats:

Weight: 27 lbs, 9.6 oz (14%)
Height: 36 in (19%)
Blood Pressure: 86/57 (Whatever that means?? Just interesting because this was the first time they took her blood pressure!)

Baby C continues to hover at the bottom of the percentiles, but she is developing just fine! She is in preschool 2X/week. We started off with half days. but one day at pick up, she flat out refused to come home with me and wanted to stay for nap-time. At that time, she had dropped her nap for the past 6 months, so although it cost us a bit more, it was totally worth it because now, she will take a nap about 50% of the time, otherwise, she will have "quiet time" so she can rest a bit (and give me a break!).

Everyday, she never ceases to amaze me with her language skills and understanding of the world around her. She is a wonderful big sister to Baby B and her capacity to care for others is amazing. Here's an example of how she took care of one of her friends at school: One of her little friends, SP is quite shy, and was new to her preschool. Baby C helped her transition to this new environment by literally holding her hand and showing her around, making sure she was not lonely, etc. It was very cute and all the teachers were impressed with her behavior, which made me and Daddy J very proud!

I have also noticed that she gets a little emotional sometimes...like she will get upset if someone yells at her, will feel sorry if she did something wrong, and will even get upset if you do not accept her apology. I guess she is learning about controlling her feelings, etc.

Anyways, I know I sound like a broken record, but she is growing up so/too fast! =)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Unofficial End of Summer @ Gilroy Gardens

Where did the summer go? I blinked and it was already Labor Day...sheesh! I feel like we did not really get out much this summer, probably because I was nervous about toting the two littles around in the heat and crowds. We will definitely be hitting the road more this fall, we have a few road trip getaways planned.

So on Labor Day, we hit up Gilroy Gardens armed with a double stroller, sunscreen, and a $9.99 coupon (Thanks TJ!)! This was our first time there and we survived a whopping 7 hours there, we are pretty proud of ourselves. HAH! Sure, we had a few toddler meltdowns, but it was par for the course. =) We'll definitely be back to take advantage of the coupon one more time before it expires! We even had a chance to grab some Sonic on the way back home!

Gilroy Gardens is really geared toward young kids, so Baby C could ride a lot of the rides, some with us, some by herself. Baby B even got to sit by herself on some rides! There was a lot of beautiful foliage everywhere, the lines were not too long, and the weather was decent (high of 82), which we were grateful for because hot weather + long lines + 2 little ones = triple trouble!

We took WAY too many pictures, and I had a tough time deciding, but here are some to share:

We busted out of Joovy Caboose for the occasion. The kids did great in it! Baby B sat still and Baby C hopped on and off to go on rides, etc.

Gilroy is of course known for its Garlic Festival, which we have yet to attend (one of these days we will), but here is a cool ride of spinning bulbs of garlic! HAH Cute!

One of our first rides - Strawberry Sundae or something like that, it was slow moving, and kinda made us (me and Daddy J) dizzy...

Cute little goldfish ride.

Burning rubber on the track.

Baby B napped in the Ergo while waiting in line for a mellow lazy river water ride. It was like a 30 minute wait, not sure if it was worth it, but at least the line was in the shade!

Awake just in time to hop on!

One of the circus trees at Gilroy Gardens. Four trees, graphed into one back in the 1920's! Pretty neat!

Rode the monorail through the greenhouse.

Beautiful (and loud) waterfalls. Daddy J was trying to take a picture of me and the kids at the waterfalls, but this is all he got, Baby C screaming in terror and running back to him! Crazy! Look at her impressive angling and speed around that bend! LOL! I know I should not be laughing, but can't help it! =)

Pictures from the Ferris wheel...

We ended our little adventure at the "water park". It had a lot of waterplay including a tall waterside. The park was closing so we did not go full on swimsuit play, but Baby B did get to splash around a bit. In fact, when she saw the water section, she tried to hop off the stroller as it was still moving and got a little bloody lip! See picture below...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Clap Your Hands!

Latest update on Baby B...she's learned to clap her hands. Sometimes I can even get her to do it on demand, when I say "Yaaaay!" or "clap your hands" in Mandarin. So cute! I forget when kids learn how to do this, but I guess it's just about the right time?!

I feel bad because with Baby C, I kept up with all the milestones, reading my parenting websites, blogs, and magazines, to see what should be coming up next and when. Now, I just don't have the time to do that and when the milestones come, I can barely remember to log them on my blog! Bad Mommy! =P

Cute Little Friends

Today we made it to storytime at the library and my friend JM was there with her 2 daughters (2.5 and 4 months). Here is a cute picture I snapped with my cell phone of the two girls walking.

We don't hang out with JM and her girls much, but I think it is super cute that Baby C has her little set of friends. She asks about her friends all the time. I guess at this age, I can somewhat "choose" her friends, or rather choose the "moms" I hang out with. But there will be a day in the near future that I will not be in control of who she hangs with...yikes!