Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Morning...

Last night, Baby B woke up at 1am screaming something ugly...for no particular reason. I hate it when that happens, but oh wells, I guess babies are random that way. =P

The morning started as usual, she seemed to be in a better mood, then things turned ugly real fast.  I tried everything - food, milk, carrying her, tylenol (she was poking at her gums), toys, going outside, nothing worked.

 So we hit the road and she was asleep within 5 minutes.  Geez, what a morning, I got nothing done, and now I am stuck in the car with a sleeping B Monster I dare not wake...I need a nap too...!!!

-- Sent from my Palm Pre


  1. Are you counting down the days when they're both off to school? I'm not even sure what productive means anymore. =p

  2. What are you talking about Joyce? You have time to do the 28 re-org challenge! You are a supermom! =)

    Looking forward to school? Yes and no, mixed feelings about it cuz this time (albeit frustrating) really only lasts such a short time. =P
