Thursday, November 12, 2009

Stroller Naps

My girls have never been stroller nappers...then again, I probably never walk long enough for them to nap.  The area around my house is not exactly conducive to taking stroller walks, so we don't get out much in that respect.

Today, I had to drop my car off for service and decide to give my friend SM a call because she lives nearby. It is about a 15 min walk and though Baby B did not sleep on the way there, she did fall asleep on the way back to the dealership.

Hmmm...maybe I should take walks more with the kids! We have a lake nearby that is nice to walk around.  It would be good for all of us!  Time to shop for a double jogging stroller?  Or maybe just a single one? Not sure if Baby C would dig sitting for that long...=)

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

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